Announcing “Countering Cultural Destruction: Investigations Into What’s Wrong And Why” by Roger Westlin
Now available on Amazon in kindle and paperback editions

“Man differs from the beast only by education, which may be defined as the technique of transmitting civilization.”

Will Durant


Roger Westlin wrote “Countering Cultural Destruction” for a reason. Likely, if you are reading this, you are doing so for the same reason—concern over what you see happening to our nation. Since the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, with the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter riots, the insinuation of cancel culture, censorship, efforts to defund police, Critical Race Theory, and the popularization of LGBQT and WOKE identity politics, one would have to be blind and deaf to not sense that something was seriously amiss in our society. What we are witnessing is nothing less than cultural destruction on an unprecedented scale, and the result has been a polarization of the political left and right; a divisiveness not witnessed in our country since the Civil War. The situation has fostered an extremism and lack of tolerance at both ends of the political spectrum that threatens to destroy our liberal Democratic Republic, at the same time begging the question: How has it come to this?

It is to this question that Westlin, in the articles contained in this book, brings his considerable investigatory skill to bear. Possibly you’ll be surprised to find that he concentrates much of his effort on the subject of education, but you shouldn’t be. It has been long understood, going back to the Marxists of the 1920s and ‘30s, that to alter the culture of a society the target must be education. In recent years, with WOKE, Critical Race Theory and LGBQT propaganda inserted into school curriculums as early as grade school, this has become obvious. But you will find in Westlin’s work a much deeper look at the problem, going back decades, and if you are like me you will find his revelations surprising, and that’s a good thing. If you think about it, you will realize that if you assume you know the reason for a bad situation, yet, despite your attempts to address it, the bad situation still exists, then you must not know the reason. It takes a certain humility for a person to realize this and acknowledge he is wrong; fortunately for us, it’s a characteristic Roger possesses in spades. Moreover, when the right reason is found it will tend to be somewhat surprising, as if the bad situation is persisting, the right reason MUST be unknown. Another trait of the right reason for a bad situation is that it will immediately open the door to a handling to improve it, which is the whole point of analysis.

Thus, much of what you find in Roger’s work will be somewhat surprising. You will learn of people and the roles they played that possibly you have never heard of, and you will learn of the devastating changes they wrought in our educational system that set it on its downward slide, continuing up to present time. Along the way Westlin will introduce you to some of the basics of the unique investigative technology he employs, which is based on an understanding of what logic really is and how to use it. He is well trained in this technology, which explains the long and successful career he had in helping individuals, groups and governments improve their circumstances and situations. In addition to his papers on education, the reader will also find in this book Westlin’s analysis of such things as the takeover of the field of medicine by Big Pharma; explanations of social engineering and how it is being used against American society and culture; the problem with government corruption and ethics, and even his views on how an individual should handle their interactions with the medical community and doctors in resolving their own health issues. If you are like me, you will find the information in this book not only interesting, but vital if we are to salvage our society and retain our liberal values.

Lastly, I have known and been friends with Roger Westlin for over 30 years now. I have personally retained his services and help for situations I was having difficulty with earlier in my life, and it helped me immensely. I can personally attest, not only to his humility, but to his intelligence and investigatory skill. More importantly, in applying these skills and abilities, I can tell you that Roger does so with a good heart. He wants the best for people, their groups and our nation, and in his writing one can discern that good heart shining through.

Read his book and see for yourself.

Mark Arnold

4 August, 2024

Now available on Amazon in kindle and paperback editions

Insightful Commentary on Today's Battle for Human Rights!

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